Carlee is... me!

Graphic Designer and Life-Long Learner

I've had jobs in both print design and digital app design. I've researched into web and editorial design. I've taken two classes of computer science, but decided that wasn't for me.
I love exploring new possibilities.
I didn't go straight to Graphic Design.
In high school, I took AP Art. Aside from lacking confidence at that time, I felt I wasn't learning art, but just trying to make something with only my limited knowledge. I had some good work, but ultimately resented art and went into college undecided.
An unexpected opportunity directed me.
A semester or so into my college career, my brother (who is a year older than me) needed graphics for an app he was developing. I figured I'd help him out.
It's what I use anyway, so let's go for it!
Over time, I found myself using design skills in other places. My brother needed help with other small projects, and church needed their graphics improved. I figured that I already use this skill, so why not develop it? And that's exactly what I have done.
I've gained, and am still gaining, valuable experience.
I've interned at two places and currently hold two student jobs on campus that deal directly with design. I enjoy investigating various avenues of design from developing brand strategy to creating epic web designs (as epic as it can be for a first project. But we all have to start somewhere!). Presently, I'm undertaking a project via Figma for my senior capstone (this is the epic project just mentioned). I don't want to be a "jack of all trades, master of none," but I also don't want to limit myself considering I am fresh in the field of design. So, I keep doing and learning.
These are Loki and Freya, a beautiful scaredy cat (yellow eyes with the ribbon) and handsome curious cat (green eyes). My husband and I cherish their home adventures!
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