Create a world of hyper reality–where the viewer is not completely sure where reality ends and fiction begins.
1st Idea: Use moving graphics on the walls and windows to show emotion. This would not suffice, however, because it doesn't blend reality and graphics. (Look at the Midterm Review video for both getting to know After Affects and testing this idea.)
2nd Idea: Through animation, decorate the walls, windows, and buildings with moving graphics inspired by paintings done by fellow students. This creates 2 problems, however. 1) It isn't truly blending reality and fiction, and 2) even though I'm trying to commemorate others' artwork, it may be an infringement on their work.
3rd & Final Idea: What if we had a Heads Up Display (HUD) like we see in video games? What would it be like in real life? What would it be like in my daily routine?
About the Final Design
The HUD design is based on video games, but displays relevant information for a student at the University of Georgia (UGA). It tells your schedule, has icons you can press for bus information, health data, e-mail, and more. The colors reflect the university's color scheme.
Some of the Heads Up Display elements used in the hyper reality video
The main is using a HUD for the first day of class. It gives directions, shows where restrooms are, tells you information about others around you, et cetera. But what if the HUD display started malfunctioning? What if technology stopped working right when you needed it? This video hints at this concept, making a slight comment about our reliance on technology.

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