Mock up of mailers (envelope-sized piece of paper) for Monroe Apostolic Church's 30th Pastoral Anniversary
Create mailers for Monroe Apostolic's 30th Pastoral Anniversary
Key Words: Professional, sophisticated, honorary
Key Ideas: Fit nicely in an envelope
Audience: Family, friends, current church members
Size: Create a piece that is slightly smaller than their envelope size
Color Scheme: Make sure it follows the church's colors (blue) while showing the importance and significance of the event–Importance and grandness are often seen through the color gold
Style: Simple, displaying the theme and elegance of the event
Variations: Create variations for other uses, such as digital platforms and single-sided flyers
Double-sided square hand out
Back of 30th Pastoral Anniversary Square Layout
Back of 30th Pastoral Anniversary Square Layout
Front of 30th Pastoral Anniversary Square Layout
Front of 30th Pastoral Anniversary Square Layout
Single-sided flyer
Single-sided flyer for the 30th Church Pastoral Anniversary

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